Local Supporting Local
Here at The Legacy Salon, we understand and appreciate the support of local businesses. Below you will find a list of other local business that we've had the pleasure of working with or know! You can find any business to suite the needs you are looking for! We update our list periodically, so always check back to find new places in Raleigh!
Physical / Mental Wellness
Breath with T
Yoga, Guidance, Meditation and Physical Fitness
Tamar is a sole non-profit leader, who loves to help with guidance to a healthier life style. With free YouTube follow along videos, She has one goal in mind, and that is to better you!
Website: www.breathwitht.com
Dare To Be Me Coach
Certified Life & Spiritual Coach
Reiki Practicioner
Nina Della Vecchia is your hug in the darkness, empowering people through distress to unleash their personal brand of resilience. She specializes in grief & loss, support for caregivers, and spirituality.
Website: www.daretobemecoaching.com
Takes a Village
They offer a haven where individuals can access comprehensive support encompassing all dimensions. They specialize in creating a safe space for all LGBTQ+ members, and have a great selection of local merchants to shop from
Website: www.takesavillagespace.com
Handmade Arts and Crafts
Digital Art, Abstract Painting, Custom Vinyl Work
Not only is she owner of the shop, Taylor does a long list of custom artwork! From Greeting Cards to abstract art pieces, you can check out her work below, or take a look around the salon during your appointment!
Instagram: @Taymadeforyouart
Scopoli Creations
Fun Sewing Projects
Hand-made Natural Soap
Looking for some fun, funky, and cool little art projects? Nick makes all sorts of fun little sewing projects, as well as loves making all-natural soap! He has all his items for sale in the salon next to Taylor's art! Come in and check it out at your next appointment!